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Exercise only counts if you are running

  • True

  • False


It doesn't matter how you get yourself moving! It all helps.

Afraid not.

Running isn't the only type of exercise out there. Find one that works for you and you'll enjoy and do it more.

You can exercise through screentime.

  • True

  • False

Well done!

Yep, screentime and exercise can go together. There are lots of apps and videos that can help you exercise.


Screentime isn't just about sitting about. You can find lots of ways to exercise through screentime, or even play games that get you moving.

Exercise should only be done alone.

  • True

  • False

You're spot on.

It's false. Exercising with your friends can be even more fun.


This one isn't true. If you and your friends like exercising together, go for it!

Celebrities look great on social media because they exercise all the time.

  • True

  • False

More to the Story

It is of course, false. Many celebs may exercise to feel good, but their social media posts are not accurate representations of how they look in daily life, and often involve makeup teams, lighting setups, and even photo editing tools to create a falsely 'perfect' image.

Wrong on this one.

Exercise may help some celebrities feel great, but their social media posts are not accurate representations of how they look in daily life, and often involve makeup teams, lighting setups, and even photo editing tools to create a falsely 'perfect' image.

Watching sport on TV can help you keep fit.

  • True

  • False

Of course not!

Watching sport on a screen only helps if it inspires you to do some exercise too. Always keep a good balance between screentime and exercise.


Nope, this one is definitely false! Unless you are inspired to do sport because you watched. Always keep a good balance between screentime and exercise.

All About Exercise

You got out of 5
It's the taking part that counts.
Girl Running Up Steps

You tried! Make sure to read up on our exercise and screentime on Mind Yer Time to get a better score next time.

You got out of 5
Needs Work
Girl Running Up Steps

You didn't do too badly, but you might need to read up a bit more about exercise and screentime. Don't worry, Mind Yer Time is here to help.

You got out of 5
Keep Practising
Girl Running Up Steps

A good score but more exercise required.

You got out of 5
So close!
Girl Running Up Steps

You know your stuff, and came very close to a winner's medal.

You got out of 5
Worked Out.
Girl Running Up Steps

Clever you! You've exercised your brain!

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