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If you are worried about how you look, there are some simple things that you can do to help stay positive.

Be Kind To Yourself

It’s not always easy to do, but don’t compare yourself to what you see online. Celebrities and influencers will have had lots of make-up and hair done for photoshoots. People don’t post pictures of themselves when they aren’t looking “flawless”.

If you are finding it too hard to stop comparing yourself to people you see online, why not stop looking at those sites, or even take a break from being online altogether? It’ll always be there for you to go back to if you feel better again.

Focus On What You Like

There’s usually one part of your body that you don’t like. But is there a part that you are really proud of? Focus on the parts you are proud of, rather than the parts and bits you don’t like. Be proud!

Talk To Your Friends

Just because you see yourself in a negative way, we can bet your friends don’t see you that way. Why not talk to them to get it off your chest? Let their positivity about you contribute to building up your self-esteem.

If you are still struggling, then make sure you tell someone you trust. It might be a parent, carer or teacher, but let someone know how you are feeling, to see if they can help.

Looking After Your Self Image

Looking After Your Self Image


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